Massachusetts Employer Survey

2021 Massachusetts
Employer Survey




The majority of Massachusetts residents obtain health insurance through their own or a family member’s employer. Employer-sponsored insurance plays a critical role in shaping the health insurance markets in the state and impacts the demand for the state’s public insurance programs, including MassHealth.

The Massachusetts Employer Survey (MES) is an ongoing health insurance survey of employers that tracks and monitors employer health insurance offerings, employee take-up rates, cost-sharing, plan characteristics, and employer decision-making. It has been conducted on a biennial basis since 2001, with data collection paused in 2020 due to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite these challenges, the survey continued in 2021, and the latest fielding of the 2024 MES has recently concluded.

The 2024 MES introduced several key updates to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the employer health insurance market in the Commonwealth. These updates included new questions on employee composition by race/ethnicity, revised questions on fringe benefits offered by employers, updated language on remote work to address hybrid and out-of-state work situations, and new questions on telehealth coverage and service models offered to employees.

CHIA extends its gratitude to all participating businesses, agencies, and organizations for their time and contribution to this important survey. The insights gained will help enhance transparency and inform future healthcare policy.

The findings from the 2024 MES are expected to be published in late 2024.


Key Findings from the 2021 Massachusetts Employer Survey

  • Most Massachusetts firms (74%) offered health insurance to their employees in 2021, and at a higher rate than firms nationally (59%).


  • Nearly half of employees (46%) were enrolled in a high deductible health plan (HDHP), and over one-third (35%) were enrolled in a HDHP with a savings option.


  • Average total monthly premium for single coverage was $715 in Massachusetts, higher than the national average of $645.


  • Since January 2020, firms have expanded access to telehealth, waived or reduced cost-sharing for COVID-19 treatment, and expanded access to behavioral health services (49%, 18% and 7%).





Prior Employer Health Insurance Research


2018 Massachusetts Employer Health Insurance Survey (MES)




2016 Massachusetts Employer Health Insurance Survey (MES)


2014 Massachusetts Employer Health Insurance Survey (MES)


2011 Massachusetts Employer Health Insurance Survey (MES)


2010 Massachusetts Employer Health Insurance Survey (MES)