primary care dashboard
(Published May 2024)
CHIA, in collaboration with Massachusetts Health Quality Partners has published the latest primary care dashboard to monitor the health of the primary care system in the Commonwealth.
A high-functioning primary care system can lead to better patient outcomes, lower costs, and more equitable care. Access to these services improves overall population health and can reduce avoidable emergency department visits. Massachusetts residents and health care leaders have expressed concerns about the health and sustainability of primary care in Massachusetts, especially in the wake of the pandemic which caused unprecedented disruptions across all health care settings.
CHIA and MHQP developed this dashboard to create a factual foundation to inform targeted policy solutions and investments as well as monitor the impact of such reforms.
The dashboard measures the health of primary care across four domains:
This second iteration of the dashboard continues to track performance across four key areas: finance, capacity, performance, and equity. New metrics are included on childhood immunization status, medical school graduates entering the primary care field, and the percentage of residents who have a primary care provider as part of their plan design. The databook that accompanies the dashboard includes multi-year trends where data is available.
Updated May 16, 2024
primary care dashboard
In 2023, CHIA, in collaboration with Massachusetts Health Quality Partners (MHQP), published Massachusetts’ first-ever dashboard to monitor the health of the primary care system in the Commonwealth.
The dashboard measures the health of primary care along four domains:
The dashboard provides baseline data for each metric, with plans to track additional measures in future iterations.